Looking back on 2023

2023 Epic MegaJam winners and a new blockchain policy on the Epic Games store. Plus: reflecting on the past year in Unreal development.

Nick Pfisterer •
Looking back on 2023

Welcome to our final newsletter of 2023. I hope you are enjoying the holiday season — spending time with loved ones, catching up on your backlog of games, and relaxing with a nice hot drink (or a cold one if you're in the Southern hemisphere).

It's hard to believe the year is already coming to an end, but we're just getting started here at Unreal Source. I'm excited to bring you new articles, new features, and more in 2024.

For now, sit back and enjoy our last newsletter before the new year.

📰 In this month's issue:

Recently in Unreal news

Looking back on 2023

I thought this would be a good opportunity to reflect on what happened in the world of Unreal Engine this year. Information moves quickly these days, so it's easy to lose track of the bigger picture. Let's take a walk down memory lane.

Between 2 engine versions, 4 hotfixes, several sample projects, new apps, and new EGS features, Epic has been pretty busy this year. Given what we now know about the nature and scope of the layoffs, however, I do expect 2024 to be relatively low key – though not without significant changes. We already know they are planning to introduce a new licensing model for non-game projects using Unreal Engine. Time will tell what other significant changes Epic will need to make in order to stabilize the company and continue pursuing Tim's metaversal dream.

In other news:

Community highlights

Until next year

That's a wrap on 2023. A lot happened this year, in our industry and beyond. I am optimistic about the future of real-time rendering, but I have some trepidation about where today's developers fit into that future. We're living through a period of rapid innovation and transition, which makes it more important than ever for developers to support each other.

I hope you enjoyed this issue. I have some exciting things planned for the new year, so stay tuned for updates in the coming months. If you can't wait until the next newsletter, I will be sharing breaking news, updates, and community finds over in our Notes feed.

Stay in touch, and send us anything you think is worth sharing. See you in 2024!

Thank you,
Nick aka pfist