Monthly digest for May 2024

Unreal Engine 5.4 gets a hotfix. Plus: Unreal Fest, Epic v. Apple, and more.

Nick Pfisterer •
Monthly digest for May 2024

Greetings, everyone. Welcome to the monthly digest for May 2024. This month was very light on news, but I expect things will pick up as summer begins up here in the northern hemisphere. It's not-E3 season, and that means lots of new game announcements. I hope Epic has something up their sleeve for developers, too. I'm looking at you, FAB.

Unreal Fest 2024 reminders

Back in February, Epic Games announced plans for a whopping six Unreal Fest events in 2024. Gold Coast just wrapped up on May 30, and Prague (sold out) is happening June 18-20, which is fast approaching. Epic put out a call for proposals for Seattle that closed on May 22. Did you submit a proposal for a talk? Let me know in the comments.

If you want to know when Epic announces updates for future events, such as registration and session details, be sure to follow our Dispatch feed.

Here's the current state of the Unreal Fest schedule at a glance:

More GDC talks uploaded to YouTube

Epic uploaded two more GDC presentations to their YouTube channel in May. The first is from Aaron Langmead, senior technical artist at Epic Games, and it's all about Nanite best practices and edge cases for artists. The second is a presentation where Jose Villeta from Avalance Software dives into how his team extended Unreal Engine to aid in the development of Hogwarts Legacy. Both are embedded below.

What's on our radar

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